Thursday, November 20, 2008

Week 4

A single water mite was found at the bottom third of the aquarium. It showed very little movement, staying in the same area the entire time I observed it. Its movement was slow, extending one or a few claws perhaps to rotate or scuttle a bare bit. I had identified it as Hydrachna (Smith and Cook, 1991).

The dinoflagellates Perididium willei have increased in number. I have seen at least six this week since the first week.

Other organisms that have increased are the amoeba Succamoeba lucens, which I have seen more than three of, and Vorticella, which have increased beyond counting, all throughout the aquarium.

Much of the diversity and the activity in my aquarium has decreased since Week 3. I have not seen any of the annelids which seemed to be growing and thriving in previous weeks. A few specimens such as Actinosphaeria, Cyclops, and rotifers have not been as present, or even completely absent.

Smith, I., Cook, R. (1991). Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. San Diego: Academic Press, Inc. p547-549. 911 pgs.

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